Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The NEHTA Clinical Lead Resignations Get Murkier - Is NEHTA In For Major Change Or The Chop?

There is a very recent e-mail from the PR Person at the Department of Health that has the following lines:

“Going forward, the Department of Health and Ageing is taking the lead in the consultation with medical peak bodies and industry sectors, such as the new ICT Industry Consultative Forum bringing together more than 120 industry organisations next week and the PCEHR Peak Bodies Workshop next month.”

While I am no genius of decoding ‘DoHA speak’ this seems to be a desperate attempt to grab back at least some influence on the e-Health Agenda from the rest of us who now clearly recognise DoHA is clueless and NEHTA has gone past its use by date and that a whole new approach is needed if victory of any sort is to be snatched from the jaws of defeat over the next few years.

As the election looms they know they have no time and there must be lots of crisis meetings and so on happening at DoHA and NEHTA as they desperately try to insulate themselves against the transformative effects of an almost certain new Ministerial broom on the activities of these useless and fundamentally unconsultative bureaucrats. I doubt they will succeed and I see big cuts coming!

For them I suspect this might just be the ‘end of times’.


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