Monday, June 18, 2012

The lowest-mortality BMI: What is its relationship with fat-free mass?

Do overweight folks live longer? It is not uncommon to see graphs like the one below, from the Med Journal Watch blog (), suggesting that, at least as far as body mass index (BMI) is concerned (), overweight folks (25 < BMI < 30) seem to live longer. The graph shows BMI measured at a certain age, and risk of death within a certain time period (e.g., 20 years) following the measurement. The lowest-mortality BMI is about 26, which is in the overweight area of the BMI chart.

Note that relative age-adjusted mortality risk (i.e., relative to the mortality risk of people in the same age group), increases less steeply in response to weight variations as one becomes older. An older person increases the risk of dying to a lesser extent by weighing more or less than does a younger person. This seems to be particularly true for weight gain (as opposed to weight loss).

The table below is from a widely cited 2002 article by Allison and colleagues (), where they describe a study of 10,169 males aged 25-75. Almost all of the participants, ninety-eight percent, were followed up for many years after measurement; a total of 3,722 deaths were recorded.

Take a look at the two numbers circled in red. The one on the left is the lowest-mortality BMI not adjusting for fat mass or fat-free mass: a reasonably high 27.4. The one on the right is the lowest-mortality BMI adjusting for fat mass and fat-free mass: a much lower 21.6.

I know this may sound confusing, but due to possible statistical distortions this does not mean that you should try to bring your BMI to 21.6 if you want to reduce your risk of dying. What this means is that fat mass and fat-free mass matter. Moreover, all of the participants in this study were men. The authors concluded that: “…marked leanness (as opposed to thinness) has beneficial effects.”

Then we have an interesting 2003 article by Bigaard and colleagues () reporting on a study of 27,178 men and 29,875 women born in Denmark, 50 to 64 years of age. The table below summarizes deaths in this study, grouping them by BMI and waist circumference.

These are raw numbers; no complex statistics here. Circled in green is the area with samples that appear to be large enough to avoid “funny” results. Circled in red are the lowest-mortality percentages; I left out the 0.8 percentage because it is based on a very small sample.

As you can see, they refer to men and women with BMIs in the 25-29.9 range (overweight), but with waist circumferences in the lower-middle range: 90-96 cm for men and 74-82 cm for women; or approximately 35-38 inches for men and 29-32 inches for women.

Women with BMIs in the 18.5-24.9 range (normal) and the same or lower waists also died in small numbers. Underweight men and women had the highest mortality percentages.

A relatively small waist (not a wasp waist), together with a normal or high BMI, is an indication of more fat-free mass, which is retained together with some body fat. It is also an indication of less visceral body fat accumulation.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Understanding Mesothelioma Cancers

Lung cancers, mesothelioma cancers, asbestos disease and asbestosis are the diseases caused because of asbestos exposure. It has found widespread use in industries and building materials such as fireproofing, roofing shingles, electric insulation, furnace, hot pipe covering, and friction products. Asbestos constitutes different naturally occurring fibrous minerals in some rocks and soil. The air, drinking water, and even some consumer products still contain small amounts of asbestos. Asbestos fibers are even released into the air from natural deposits in the earth.
The other causes of the disease are not fully understood. Smoking does not cause mesothelioma. Neither does exposure to modern fire-resistant materials (like fiberglass). Deemed unsafe and dangerous to humans, use of asbestos in manufacturing dropped considerably. In addition, asbestos exposure can occur from contact with individuals working in these trades. Asbestos exposure can occur in many ways including, but not limited to, service on ships in the Navy, work aboard military or commercial ships, work as an insulator, or work in residential or commercial construction.
As long as asbestos in your body, it will be cutting the surface of normal cells, thus allow microbes to get inside of the cells, thus causing cancer. Because asbestos related lung cancers are rare diseases, many patients look for treatment from a team of specialists at a mesothelioma treatment center. Treatment centers for mesothelioma disease may be found within a hospital or operate independently.
Exposure to asbestos - usually form inhalation or ingestion of loosened, airborne particles - is highly dangerous and can lead to severe health conditions. Mesothelioma, White asbestos does increase the risk of mesothelioma, but is not as strong. Another fiber called tremolite may also be a cause. All types of asbestos can cause mesothelioma if you breathe in or swallow the fibers. Blue and brown asbestos are known to be the most dangerous.
The first case of asbestos disease mesothelioma was filed nearly 70 years ago. The compensation is available only for those employees who run the risk of asbestos exposure since the 1940s. Employees in industries with considerable risk of asbestos poisoning are, in principle, eligible for mesothelioma compensation. Recently, many mesothelioma patients have filed lawsuits for compensation. Currently, help is available to victims of asbestos disease mesothelioma through many specialized legal firms in the United States. They have been awarded compensation on the ground that the owners of industries continued to use asbestos despite the information of the health hazards it entails.

How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed

Are you looking for more information on how breast cancer is diagnosed?
If so, this information should help. Breast cancer is an extremely common type of cancer, especially among females. It is therefore extremely important that, as women, we take the time to get ourselves regular breast exams. If you are interested in learning more about checkups and breast cancer diagnosis, continue reading this article. Throughout the article we will discuss what breast cancer is and how it is diagnosed.
Let's begin by learning what this disease is. Breast cancer is, next to skin cancer, the leading cancer among women. While it is most commonly diagnosed among females, it can also effect the lives of men. Breast cancer is a group of cancerous cells, known as a malignant tumor, that begins in the cells of the breast and can potentially spread into other areas of the body.
While there are some signs that point to breast cancer (swelling of breast, skin irritation, pain, redness, nipple discharge, etc.), most women in the beginning stages of the cancer experience no symptoms at all. It is therefore extremely important that all women have a clinical breast exam performed at least once a year by a medical physician. If this exam is performed, and anything abnormal is found, other tests will be performed to determine if any of the irregularities could be from breast cancer.
What types of tests will be performed?
One of the most common tests used to diagnose this type of cancer is the mammogram. A mammogram is generally used for early detection of the cancer as they can detect anywhere from 85 to 90 percent of all breast cancers. Mammograms can help to detect breast cancer before a lump can even be felt or seen.
Another test commonly used to diagnose cancer of the breast is an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are usually used after a mammogram has already been conducted to help target a specific area of concern (as found by the mammogram). Ultrasounds also help to tell the difference between cysts and solid masses, as well as benign and cancerous tumors.
If a lump is found on your breast, a sample of tissue and fluid will be taken by your doctor and will be sent to be tested by a pathologist. Once you get the results back, your doctor will summarize your diagnosis. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will be informed of which stage you are at. The stage you are at will determine which course of treatment you will need to seek.
Because this type of cancer is so common, it is very important that you have an annual breast exam completed by your health care professional. It is also suggested that you ask your doctor how to perform a regular breast exam on your own so that you can do regular checks on yourself.
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Breast Cancer and Breast Health

For fifteen years I have worked as a professional educator. For 5 of those years I have worked in a healthcare organization. One of the most talked about topics is breast cancer and breast health. The bottom line is that although breast cancer is not preventable, it is usually easily detectable.
Note: Breast cancer is not race specific - all races get breast cancer!
Note: Breast cancer is not gender specific - men get breast cancer too!
When breast cancer is caught in the early stages the chances of survival are very high. Please don't add yourself or a friend or loved one to the growing list of statistics. Take action today! Here is a simple three part action step plan to help you with the early detection of breast cancer.
Part One: Regular Mammograms
Ladies, this is the most important part of maintaining good breast health: regular mammograms. Mammograms are fast, simple x-rays similar to the x-rays you get at a dentist's office visit. In fact, mammograms actually use less radiation than a dental x-ray!
Mammograms put you light years ahead when it comes to cancer treatment because they can detect breast lumps long before you or your doctor could physically feel a breast lump. Because early detection is a key to survival, you need to put regular mammograms on your schedule.
The American Cancer Society recommends regular mammograms for all women starting at age 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer, your physician may want you to start a regular mammogram schedule much earlier.
The older you get, the higher your chances of breast cancer. Over 75% of all breast cancers occur in women who are 50 or older. Over 50% of all breast cancers occur in women who are 65 or older.
Ladies - listen to me! Get a regular mammogram! Please! For the sake of your friends and family who love you so much, schedule a yearly mammogram if you are 40 or older or have a family history of breast cancer.
Part Two: Clinical Breast Exam
Only your physician or nurse will do a clinical breast exam for you. All women in their 20's and 30's should have a clinical breast exam as part of their annual health checkups at least every 3 years. After the age of 40, this should be done every year without fail.
What Will Happen In A Clinical Breast Exam?
The physician or nurse will take your personal health history by asking you a series of health history questions. This will include asking about family history. Next the physician or nurse will look at your breasts while you stand in front of a mirror with your hands on your hips. Finally the physician or nurse will physically exam your entire breast up to the neck, in your armpit, the center of your chest and to the bottom of your rib cage. Finally they will discuss proper breast health with you as well as show you how to perform breast self-exams. The entire process can take up to 10 minutes. It should rarely be under 5 minutes.
Part Three: Breast Self-Exams
You need to become familiar with how your breasts look and feel regularly so that you are aware of any changes from normal. If you notice changes, report these to your physician immediately.
One of the most important steps you can take is to do monthly breast self-exams. An easy way to remember to do this is to check while you take a shower. Some organizations even have a shower card you can hang from your shower head with punch out holes for each month, so you can easily track when you have done your exams.
Remember that you need to physically exam your breasts by hand as well as look in the mirror for any visible changes. If you think you've found a lump or noticeable change, notify your doctor immediately.

Autism Diets Help Recover a Child From Autism

With autism among children rising to astounding rates of 1 in 150 children worldwide, it is the fastest growing childhood epidemic of our time. The number of children affected by this whole-body disorder is expected to rise even further over the next decade. According to research reports, more children will be diagnosed with autism this year than cancer, diabetes, Downs Syndrome and AIDS combined. Approximately 1 million individuals in the United States have autism---as of today, there is no known cause and no known cure.
You know the statistics. You are keenly aware of how interesting your path has become-a life you didn't exactly imagine you would be in. You see the autism awareness ad campaigns on television. You hear a new president dedicate himself to helping children with autism through research dollars and insurance coverage requirements. You are connected to your local autism support group. You participate in lively debate over genetics, vaccines, ABA therapy and a new topic-biomedical intervention and autism diets.
You may be watching your child carefully stack cans on top of one another---over and over for hours, instead of playing with toys and other children. You serve French fries day after day, because they might be the only thing your child will eat. You've decided that "hope for recovery from autism" is an interesting collection of words-but do they really fit into your world?
You hear the word "recovery" more and more lately. How can your child recover from autism? Is it really possible? Parents you know are coming back from conferences enlightened and hopeful. The terms "biomedical intervention" and "autism diet" are rising to the top of conversations, literature and web sites. Of course you would be curious.
Pursuing recovery is not about "curing" autism. Pursuing recovery is about believing in and taking action toward improved health and healing. The term "recovery" is best explained by esteemed autism organizations such as Autism Research Institute and Generation Rescue, the use of this term is intended to convey the extent of the possibility that exists for these children--to reach their potential of health and happiness - whatever that may be. As Jenny McCarthy analogy explains, while you can't be cured of getting hit by a bus, you can recover. Indeed, thousands of children have, and are, recovering from autism.
Many parents today are learning things they can do to help their children thrive and pursue recovery. Autism pediatricians, researchers and nutritionists are now suggesting that parents consider implementing autism diets, autism-specific nutrition and specialized supplementation, in addition to traditional behavioral therapy and other proven treatments.
Doctors now know that the body of the child with autism is quite unique and requires very specific care-special enzymes for digestion, medical treatment for yeast infections and other conditions found during testing, attention to digestive issues, special dietary requirements (autism diets), nutrient and fatty acid supplementation, behavioral therapy and more.
Specific autism diets can help children improve in many ways. When diets are correctly implemented by parents, improvement in gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, constipation, language, learning, focus, attention, eye contact, behavior, sleep difficulties, toilet training, skin rashes/eczema and body pain have been observed. Since every child is unique, improvements will vary.
There are several diets that are used by parents, autism nutritionists and pediatricians. These diets include the Gluten-Free Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet, Low Oxalate Diet, Body Ecology Diet, Feingold Diet and Weston A. Price dietary principles. Most practitioners suggest parents begin with the GFCF Diet-removing all gluten and casein from the foods they serve their children.
Autism Research Institute (ARI) surveyed thousands of parents and found that 65% of those applying the GFCF Diet saw improvement. For the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, 66% noted improvement.
Successful parents begin with simple steps: they serve fresh fruits, vegetables and grass-fed meats whenever possible. They read labels for ingredients and they clean out their cupboards. They shop for organic foods in order to remove antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and PCBs from the dinner table. Parents choose to no longer serve their children easy-to-serve pre-packaged, canned or frozen foods that contain preservative, additives, colors and artificial ingredients. They immediately decrease the amount of sugar they feed their children. The guidance of a qualified nutrition profession is always recommended.
After the initial clean up steps are completed, parents embark on the finer points of an autism diet, which often means removing gluten and casein-as implemented in the GFCF diet. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye, barley, commercial oats, kamut, and spelt. Casein is the protein found in dairy. The GFCF diet has become popular for autism and the general population, and there are many GFCF foods available in stores. Parents who are successful with applying a GFCF diet cook from great recipes they find online and in autism diet friendly cookbooks. They actually enjoy the process.
For the parent of a child with autism, the food that they choose to serve their children is vitally important to their healing. Autism diets are an important first step all parents should consider as they are creating a recovery program for their child.

Autism Healthcare

The United States has a fragmented healthcare system made of many private health care facilities that are largely owned by the private sector. Primary care doctors are usually the first point of entry when there are any health concerns before referrals to any other appropriate health establishment if necessary. There are thousands of insurance companies that cover private health insurance and up until fairly recently it has been very hard to get health insurance to cover autism because it is risky and treatment is very expensive. This has recently changed due to new legislation but availability can depend on whether a particular State has enacted autism insurance legislation or coverage for government funded health programs such as Medicaid.
The causes of autism are not readily known or available. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that autism and related disorders are more common than previously thought. There is an increase in those being diagnosed and 3-4 times as many boys than girls are affected. On average one in 110 children born in the U.S. have autism. One in 70 boys and one in 315 girls are affected. It is thought by professionals that the increase is due to a wider definition of the spectrum.
It is essential to get an expert diagnosis in order to access the different services and treatments that may be available as it is beneficial to begin an early intervention program. An evaluation and assessment of the child may be done by a multidisciplinary team of professionals. Doctors who specializes in autism will observe the child, ask parents questions about the child's development and behavior and do a variety of tests such as intelligence tests to evaluate the child's strengths and weaknesses.
The following are some examples of the types of people and places listed by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) of whom to go to that will make a referral to, or provide diagnostic and treatment services (NIMH):
Family doctors
Mental health specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors
Community mental health centers
Health maintenance organizations
Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatients clinics
State hospital outpatient clinics
Local medical and/or psychiatric societies
Once diagnosed, the quest to find affordable health insurance coverage to cover autism can begin. Around half of states currently have enacted autism insurance legislation which makes healthcare insurance coverage for more available, though it can be expensive. Recent laws have increased coverage for government funded health programs such as Medicaid for those on low incomes and disability is covered if it comes within the disability guidelines, so more families now qualify for assistance.
There are all kinds of treatments and interventions available and a treatment plan can be devised and tailored towards the individual child. Different teams of specialists can evaluate such things as speech, communication and motor skills. The main ways of treating the child can be through:
Behaviour Therapies and other types of therapies
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can be used to shape and modify behavior. Occupational Therapy is available to work on fine and gross motor skills, for example, and there are other therapies such as Speech Therapy.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for school age children
Parents are encouraged to be involved with teachers in setting targets or goals to be reached within the particular school year and describes any special support required in meeting them.
Currently, there are no medications available to treat autism, but there are supplements that can treat and manage some of the symptoms. Ritalin, for example, can be used to treat impulsivity and overactivity and there are other drugs that can be used to treat behaviors such as aggressive behaviors or repetitive behaviors.

Healthcare Debate's Fundamental

Obama Care will be a pivotal issue in the November 2012 presidential election. Proponents of the program will claim this national healthcare initiative is the preeminent achievement of the administration and is worthy of both admiration and praise. They will assert: public healthcare is a basic human right; costs are a duty productive citizens should bear; and removing the burden of healthcare from industry promotes economic growth. Opponents will argue vehemently that the federal government takeover of healthcare is unwarranted, disingenuous, and ultimately dangerous; declaring centralized control and administration of healthcare is costly, inefficient, and ineffective. Arguments on both sides will be laced with emotion, piled high with heart wrenching personal examples, and, as is typical in most political debates, devoid of fair-minded facts. This spirited debate will be driven by a fundamental flaw: the real issue to resolve is not healthcare, it is profit.
The proper use of public funds for healthcare cannot be determined until the debate adequately addresses this question: Is healthcare about wellbeing or profit?
Political struggles are always about the allocation of resources and the distribution of power. In our increasingly centralized political system all substantive debates revolve around advantaging some and disadvantaging others. Public funding of a profit based healthcare system is a means of channeling private wealth through government to the coffers of well connected, politically influential elite. Make no mistake about it, health and wellbeing do not even register as top tier concerns for industrial, political, and financial interests in this debate. The special interests pushing for public funding of healthcare are seeking to capitalize on an unprecedented profit opportunity.
As long as public funding of healthcare promotes profit, the profit motive and who the government will reward through its policies must be the primary focus of the debate. Politicians are choosing whose coffers to fill and how to extricate funds from the helpless and hapless so as to reward well-connected and politically influential patrons.
Public funding of for-profit healthcare is not about the wellbeing of the populace, access to basic healthcare services, or quality of care. The issue is about who gains and who loses, who the government chooses to support, and who the government chooses to burden. This healthcare debate may prove to be the single most expensive and far-reaching deliberation ever conducted in the public sphere. As long as profit drives the train, the motives of those conducting the debate are suspect. Don't be fooled by partisan rancor about efficiencies or effectiveness, fortunes are at stake. In the final analysis, if profit figures in the equation, the debate is about winners and losers.
With profit as the primary motive, the only thing the American public can rest assured of is the people will lose in the end. Having politicians choose winners and losers is a recipe for disaster. It is time to focus the healthcare debate squarely on the main issue: settling the role profit plays in healthcare. Only after resolving the issue of profit can attention turn appropriately to health and wellbeing.

Australian Benefits Health Care

Moving to Australia is an exciting prospect. However inevitably the question of health care is raised. No one wants to become ill or injured while living in Australia and then be left with an enormous bill to pay.

Does Australia have free health care?

Medicare is Australia's publicly funded health care system however it does not provide 100% coverage. Medicare provides eligible individuals access to free or subsidised medical, optometrical (eye care) and public hospital care. Medicare does not pay towards ambulance costs, physiotherapy, spectacles, podiatry, chiropractic services, or private hospital accommodation.

Medicare also does not cover dental costs, with some exceptions for low-income earners. A nationwide Denticare Australia program may be extended in the next government budget, however the specific details are yet to be announced. Some dental organisations provide interest free payment plans, member discounted services that attract an annual fee, or discounts for regular patients to help manage costs.

Individuals can also choose to access private health services that charge for their services, and may choose to take out private health insurance to cover these types of costs.

Will I be eligible for a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement?

The Australian Government also has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with some countries that provide 'restricted access' to public health care while in Australia. Restricted access usually limits care to 'medically necessary' treatments eg. Ill health or injury which occurs while you are in Australia and which requires treatment through a public hospital before you return home.

Individuals from New Zealand and Ireland do not get issued with a Medicare card and instead present their passport at public hospitals or pharmacies. Non-hospital care, such as attending a local GP doctor, is not covered. Other reciprocal agreements will pay Medicare benefits for out-of-pocket medical treatment provided by doctors through private surgeries and community health centres. All agreements cover subsidised medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Note: Reciprocal agreements technically only cover individuals if they have come directly from the reciprocal country eg. If you were previously living in another foreign country prior to coming to Australia you may not be eligible, as you have not been recently been part of the health system for your country of nationality. However application of this requirement varies between Medicare staff.

Medicare Information Kits for migrants are available in 19 different languages.

What amount is subsidised by the government?

The benefit (or refund) that you receive back from Medicare is based on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for that specific service which is set by the government. Doctors and other health service professionals can choose to charge over the schedule fee or bulk bill. Bulk billing is when doctors bill Medicare directly, accepting the Medicare benefits as full payment for the service. If doctors charge a higher amount the patient wears the extra costs.

Many doctors now offer to process Medicare claims electronically at the end of the appointment. Alternatively you can lodge most claims online, visit a Medicare office or post in your claims. Refer also to How does Medicare work?

Patients may also be required to pay for additional tests or vaccinations that their doctor requests as part of their treatment.

Some benefit examples based on the current schedule (1 Nov 2011) are below:

Standard doctor Level B consultation for less than 20 minutes with a GP (General Practitioner) in their consulting rooms: Fee = $35.60 and Benefit = 100% so you receive a $35.60 rebate. Therefore if the doctor charges $65.00 for an appointment you will be out of pocket by $29.40. If the doctor bulk bills they would charge the $35.60 fee direct to Medicare resulting in no out of pocket costs for the bulk billed patient.

Specialist doctor consultation initial appointment in a hospital or their consulting rooms: Fee = $83.95 and Benefit = 75% (hospital in-patient) or 85% (out-of-hospital) so you would receive either a $63.00 or $71.40 rebate. Therefore if the doctor charges $130.00 for an appointment you will be out of pocket by $67.00 or $58.60. You will need a referral letter from a GP to see a specialist so will need to budget for both out of pocket costs. Specialist fees can also vary considerably with some charging several hundreds of dollars if they are highly specialised and sought after. It is worth checking fees prior to making appointments so you are prepared for any out of pocket costs.

Comprehensive dental oral examination, limited to 1 per provider every 2 years: Note: Any preventive services like removal of plaque and/or stains, or any fillings etc are billed separately and can quickly add up to a sizeable bill even with the rebates: Benefit = $40.50 so if the dentist charges $95 for this item you will be out of pocket by $54.50

Medicare concession card holders will usually be charged a lesser rate or receive some services for free.

Note: If you are not eligible for Medicare you will have to pay the full appointment fees. However you are also exempt from paying the Medicare Levy and any surcharges (see below for more information on these).

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) details the medicines subsidised by the government, which must be purchased through a pharmacy. Non-PBS medications will be charged at full price.

The government also protects high users of medical services from big out-of-pocket costs through the Medicare Safety Net, and provides pension and health care concessions for pensioners and low income earners. The PBS Safety Net is available for individuals who need a lot of medicines in any year.

Individuals may also be able to claim a tax offset of 20% for net medical expenses over the threshold, currently $1,500 for the tax year for eligible expenses.

Note: The above protections may only apply to individuals on full Medicare so check further with Medicare before applying.

Are there any costs when I use an ambulance?

Ambulance cover varies between the different Australian States & Territories.

In Queensland and Tasmania, ambulance services are provided free for local residents.

In all other States & Territories, fees may be charged. The fees can vary depending on: how far individuals travel by ambulance, the type of transport eg. helicopter, the nature of the illness, whether an emergency or not, and any concession eligibilities.

Residents living outside Queensland or Tasmania can insure against ambulance costs, either through membership schemes provided by the relevant ambulance service (in the Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria and country areas of Western Australia) or through a private health insurance fund (in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and metropolitan Western Australia).

Note: Check the details of any ambulance cover provided by private health insurers carefully as it may only be limited to 'emergency' transportation eg. not covering trips between hospitals or non-critical call outs. Membership with ambulance services may be more comprehensive.

In most cases, local holiday or business visitors to other States & Territories will be covered if they were covered in their home State or Territory due to reciprocal arrangements. However it is worth checking this before travelling to other States or Territories.

Do I have to pay anything towards Medicare?

Medicare is funded by a Medicare Levy tax deduction taken from your income with the contribution level based on how much you earn. The Medicare Levy is currently 1.5% of taxable income.

In addition, the Medicare Levy Surcharge of 1% is levied on high-income earners who do not have private hospital cover. The income threshold for 2011-12 year is $80,000 for singles and 160,000 for couples / families increasing by $1,500 for second and subsequent dependents. The surcharge is designed to encourage individuals to take out private cover and therefore reduce the demand on the public Medicare system.

Cheaper Health Insurance

Health insurance rates are going up all the time and many people are still uninsured because they cannot afford to pay the cost. Is there a way you can reduce the cost and find more affordable health insurance? Can you find cover you can pay for?
The answer is yes. There are many insurance companies that offer you insurance at a very affordable rate. All you need to do is research to get those insurance rates. Here are some points which can help you cope up with the cost of your health insurance.
• Always compare your health quotes with other insurance companies rather then looking for one particular company. This will help you get the most affordable quote with the highest level of coverage.
• A rise in the deductible will result in a decrease in your premium. But you have to ensure that you don't select a deductible that would cause you to go broke if you have to pay it. You have to find a level you can afford.
• A healthy lifestyle also results in controlling the cost of your health insurance. Therefore make sure you eat right and exercise daily. You might think this is too much trouble but it has a very big impact on your health cover.
• It is always good if you know your coverage. There are many companies who provides dental and vision insurance as part of the policyholders medical coverage. If it's not required make sure you remove them which will help you decrease you premium as well.
If you are struggling to keep down the cost if your health cover you can do the sensible thing and search on the internet. By doing this you can make comparisons between all the best insurance companies and avoid over paying or being under covered on your health plan.
Over paying is bad enough as this is like paying hundreds of dollars a month down the sink but if you are under covered it will cost you even more as you will have to foot the bill yourself. So get online and find the cheapest health cover right away.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Big Names in Health Insurance

America has a vast array of big health insurance companies. Subscribers purchase medical coverage to compensate for the medical expenses. People take aid of companies to count for custodial care, long term nursing care requirements or insurance covering disabilities.
Both the private companies and government sponsored social insurance programs provide health insurance. In addition, social welfare programs funded by government also help in obtaining similar benefits of paying for medical expenses.
Health Insurance Firms in U.S.:
Below mentioned are some of the biggest health insurance companies in the United States:
  1. Aetna: It is one of the biggest companies offering pharmacy, health care, group life, dental, and disability coverage. As per the latest figures, it serves 11.3 million dental members, 11.7 million group insurance customers and 13 million medical members. The firm has expansive nationwide network of 5, 79,000 health care service providers that include 3, 49,000 specialists, physicians and primary care takers, and 3,589 hospitals.
  2. AON Corporation Group: It has constructed broad global resources for creating innovative solutions in risk management and insurance, insurance underwriting and human capital consulting in order to help clients. AON brings top professionals together, working across hundreds of disciplines in an integrated seamless fashion, designed for serving the clients in the most custom-tailored manner anywhere in the world. This dedication and focus has made AON, a world leader within the industry.
  3. AMS: The MedOne Plus option permits the individuals to select an option meeting the needs and budget of an individual. It provides flexibility to individuals to select the benefits that permit them to choose deductible and co-payment levels. In terms of medical coverage, the most popular scheme of AMS is MedOne Security. It includes co-pay facility, coinsurance options, higher popular deductibles and low premiums.
  4. Assurant Health Services: - Formerly known as Fortis Health, Assurant offers affordable and flexible solutions for health coverage. Such dedication to service also extends to short-term coverage and small group plans. It provides dependable and quality coverage to meet the demands of its customers.
  5. Unicare: The main reason why customers select Unicare is for its service and quality. Six years in a row, Fortune Magazine named the parent company of Unicare as the most admired healthcare firm, although each firm is responsible for its financial assets. It provides plenty of choice in its health plans. Hence, clients can tailor their plan, to fit their unique needs.
It has become important for individuals in America to avail health insurance from firms, mainly because of the financial security. No wonder, some of the biggest health insurance companies want to tap this requirement.

Health Care Through Magazine

How To Take Care Of Health With Health Magazine.
If you love yourself then you should keep watch on your health and fitness. You need to understand about your nutrition, fitness, health and food regularly. Health is important for both men and women. Everyone should take of their health to keep fit and healthy.
To be fit and health, you have to monitor your fitness regularly. Like you should keep watch on your weight, metabolism, regular blood tests and important things happening around the people you live. You can get updated with all new fitness methods and latest emerging diseases today.
Health magazine is the only reliable and good source to guide you on every issue on health. You can know about fitness, exercises, eating patterns and things to improve your overall health. These magazines also include tips for personal care, physical fitness, avoiding injuries, winter and summer wearing guide and how to protect from different viruses.
These magazines cover different issues related to mens health and women health. You can find safe sex tips, skin care, care for hair and latest drugs available in market for human health development. You can also find safe cooking methods and tips to make different recipes.
In the health magazine, you can find stories of real people and how to cure from deadly diseases. You can find celebrities interviews and their practices for personal development. You can get advices from professional doctors and health experts. It also include solutions with help of allopathy and homeopathy.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cameron Diaz: The Next Celebrity Nutritionist?

Cameron Diaz is busy with her next project.  Her rep confirms her interest in writing a nutrition book to help young girls.  She wants to use her celebrity for good- to encourage girls not to fixate on being thin but instead just to make healthy choices.

A few thoughts:

Of all the celebrities that I see pitching these types of projects (I'm looking at you Gwyneth Paltrow), Cameron actually seems to model a healthy lifestyle.  She is not too thin, but instead looks muscular and strong.  We always see her keeping active with surfing and regular gym workouts.

It is reported that (in preparation for the book) Cameron will be visiting high schools to talk to teenagers about their food choices and what is important to them.  She wants to get their input, e.g., how do they decide what to eat? Although this work will not be a formal "Needs Assessment", I like that Cameron will be out in the community and talking to the teenagers who are the focus of her book.  Doing formative work before a project that engages your audience is incredibly important in public health.  Hearing and seeing what the health problem/s look like first hand allow us to craft more effective interventions.  So I applaud Cameron for planning to do this outreach versus just planning to write a book that may or may not address the challenges faced out in communities. For example, Cameron can discuss the importance of choosing fruit over potato chips, but if a teenager does not have access to affordable fresh fruit in their neighborhood, then the recommendation is not helpful.

One challenge to this effort is that even though Cameron appears to model a healthy lifestyle, she is still a member of the Hollywood community that has contributed to setting an unrealistic standard for beauty.  We have seen her on numerous magazine covers looking very thin and of course airbrushed.  In public health, we always have to think- "is this the right spokesperson"?  It is important to know how teenage girls view Cameron.  Do they see her as part of the problem?  Or part of the solution?

Another challenge is that (from my perspective), celebrity "nutritionists" do not have the best track record for safety and accuracy.  Take Cameron's friend Gwyneth Paltrow.  She has regularly promoted nutrition strategies like detox cleanses and gluten-free diets.  Her extreme choices do not send a message of moderation to teenage girls.  In addition, Gwyneth's cover photos also contribute to the unrealistic standard for beauty.

As I've discussed many times on this blog, celebrities can be an incredible resource for public health.  They have a visible platform and extensive reach to many of our audiences.  However, that can work for us or against us based on the accuracy and relevancy of their messages.  It is imperative that they work closely with clinicians (e.g., physicians, nutritionists) and public health practitioners to craft the messages and design outreach programs.

What do you think about Cameron writing a nutrition book?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Drink Water To Lose Weight

Drinking water increases your metabolism up to 30 percentages.
To make your weight loss possible you need to drink eight glasses
of water every day, and if you have lots of overweight you need to
drink a few glasses more.

Drinking water is not only great for your weight loss. Just by drinking
lots of water you will look better because and your skin will become
more glowing.

Few Tips To Lose Weight Just By Drinking Water:

•Start every morning with a glass of water.
•Drink a glass of water before every meal.
•Drink lukewarm water, it may be easier to drink lots of water when it isn't cold.
•Add a slice of lemon if you don't like the taste of the water.
•Avoid drinking just before you go to bed.

Drinking water is a cheap and very effective way to lose weight,
but often you need to add some diet and exercise to make your weight loss effective.

Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads


Warm some honey and place it on trouble areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash off.
Honey is a well known and effective method of removing blackheads from the skin.

Baking Soda & Water:

Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 tablespoons of water. Rub this solution on your skin for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water for effective blackhead extraction.

Lemon Juice:

Use lemon juice directly from the lemon on areas affected with blackheads two to
three times a day. The juice will help tighten your pores and make the environment of the face less prone to blackheads. Limes will work just as well if no lemons are available.

Rose & Oatmeal Mask:

This treatment is great to get rid of the blackheads you already have and prevent future break outs. Mix oatmeal powder with rose water to make a paste. Spread the paste on your face with fingertips and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. Rinse this blackhead removing mask off with cold water. The cold water closes the newly cleaned pores, protecting against future blackheads.


Grated raw potatoes can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems including pimples, wrinkles, whiteheads and blackheads. Pack potatoes directly on problem areas to extract blackheads.

Radish Seeds:

A paste made out of ground radish seeds and water applied to the face right on the site of a blackhead is an effective blemish remover. Leave the paste on for about 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Monday, June 4, 2012

How to make white rice nutritious

One of the problems often pointed out about rice, and particularly about white rice, is that its nutrition content is fairly low. It is basically carbohydrates with some trace amounts of protein. A 100-g portion of cooked white rice will typically deliver 28 g of carbohydrates, with zero fiber, and 3 g of protein. The micronutrient content of such a portion leaves a lot to be desired when compared with fruits and vegetables, as you can see below (from Keep in mind that this is for 100 g of “enriched” white rice; the nutrients you see there, such as manganese, are added.

White rice is rice that has had its husk, bran, and germ removed. This prevents spoilage and thus significantly increases its shelf life. As it happens, it also significantly reduces both its nutrition and toxin content. White rice is one of the refined foods with the lowest toxin content.

Another interesting property of white rice is that it absorbs moisture to the tune of about 2.5 times its weight. That is, a 100-g portion of dry white rice will lead to a 250-g portion of edible white rice after cooking. This does not only dramatically decrease white rice’s glycemic load () compared with wheat-based products in general (with some exceptions, such as pasta), but also allows for white rice to be made into a highly nutritious dish.

If you slow cook almost anything in water, many of its nutrients will seep into the water. All you have to do is to then use that water (often called broth) to cook white rice in it, and you will end up with highly nutritious rice. Typically you will need twice as much broth as rice, cooked for about 15 minutes – e.g., 2 cups of broth for 1 cup of rice.

You can add meats to the white rice, such as pulled chicken or shrimp; add some tomato sauce to that and you’ll make it a chicken or shrimp risotto. You can also add vegetables to the rice. If you want your rice to have something like an al dente consistency, I recommend doing these after the rice is ready; i.e., after you cooked it in the broth.

For the white rice-based dish below I used a broth from about two hours of slow cooking of diced vegetables; namely red bell peppers, carrots, celery, onions, and cabbage. After cooking the rice for 15 minutes, and letting it "sit" for a while (another 15 minutes with the pan covered), I also added the vegetables to it.

As a side note, the cabbage and onion tend to completely dissolve after 1 h or so of slow cooking. The added vegetables give the dish quite a nutritional punch. For example, the cabbage alone seems to be a great source of vitamin C (which is not completely destroyed by the slow cooking), the anti-inflammatory amino acid glutamine, and the DNA repair-promoting substance known as indole-3-carbinol ().

The good folks over at the Highbrow Paleo group on Facebook () had a few other great ideas posted in response to my previous post on the low glycemic load of white rice (), such as cooking white rice in bone broth (thanks Derrick!).